
Does your “branded house” need a major remodel, or just a little spring-cleaning? Our strategic branding services include a systematic analysis of the client’s mission, target markets and corporate philosophy to formulate the desired perception of their company or products.  The strongest brands communicate one message, in one voice, with every tool constantly reinforcing a point of differentiation that is meaningful to the consumer. All desired target audiences receive a clear, assertive and memorable impression of the client’s company and its philosophy, telling prospective buyers who they are, not just what they sell. 

Identity Programs: More than skin-deep.

Because having a great organization and great products is never enough to succeed in today’s complex marketplace, the use of identity, or marketing aesthetics, is essential.  A strong identity program offers powerful and tangible benefits to your organization:

  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Allowance of premium pricing
  • Ability to cut through information clutter
  • Protection from competition

Our comprehensive identity programs include much more than logo design. We can provide everything from naming your new product or start-up company, to employee presentations and visual standards manuals.

Creative Strategies: How sharp is yours?

Our team delivers work that resonates with target audiences and delivers strong results. Before anything is produced, we formulate a creative strategy that is uniquely yours, identifying meaningful product features/benefits, influential factors and visual advertising standards for each of your desired target markets. This gives the creative team the guidelines needed to develop media executions that will communicate those product attributes most clearly and memorably, and with consistency over time. How sharp is your creative strategy? If it’s more like a blunt instrument, you could be wasting thousands in media dollars.

Advertising Development & Graphic Design:
Power tools for a powerful marketing program.

We produce the tools necessary to go to market with confidence – advertising that breaks through media clutter; inspired graphic design for publications, packaging, direct marketing and the Web; sales promotion tools that are persuasive and cost-effective. The senior-level experience of our creative team enables us to “hit the target” better than anybody, period. Why use a patchwork of in-house staff, suppliers and freelance? Work with our team and get the best thinking in the business, with the continuity that builds better results and stronger brands.